
Clean Eating Apple Bread Pudding

So, about my clean eating goal: I'm failing miserably. Actually, that's a lie. Any dietary improvements are a step in the right direction. But let's just say that I haven't exactly completely eliminated refined sugar and processed foods from my diet. Heck, I went through an entire bag of Jolly Rancher Chews while I was sitting in the airport for almost 10 hours on Sunday. That's a reasonable excuse, right?

Either way, I really am trying to cut back on my sugar and processed food intake, but am realistic with myself and try to do it in moderation. We all need a Jolly Rancher binge every once in a while! Lucky for us, clean eating doesn't mean gross eating. There are lots of awesome recipes that taste delicious and don't require any refined sugars or processed ingredients. Good for you and scrumptious, now that's my kind of recipe. This Apple Bread Pudding fits that description to a T.

If you are like me and still new to clean eating, check out this website for more information. Essentially clean eating is eliminating processed foods, refined sugars, salt, and focusing on wholesome foods that you find in nature--lots of greens, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and natural sugars. This bread pudding follows the clean eating rules, but you sure wouldn't guess it was good for you after you take a bite. I was a little skeptical that this recipe didn't call for much sugar, but the honey paired with the applesauce is enough to satisfy any sweet tooth. The tart Granny Smith apple provides a great contrast of flavor and texture against the soft, chewy bread that absorbs all of the creamy and sweet flavors from the other ingredients.

If you are new to clean eating, I feel your pain. Ease into the diet with a few simple and delicious recipes, including this Apple Bread Pudding. Before you know it, you won't even think about Jolly Rancher Chews anymore. Unless, of course, you are stuck in an airport all day.

Clean Eating Apple Bread Pudding (adapted from Taste of Home)
(4-5 servings)

1 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 eggs
1/2 cup honey
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
5 cups stale crusty whole wheat bread, cubed*
1 Granny Smith apple, chopped

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

Add the applesauce, almond milk, eggs, honey, vanilla, and cinnamon to a large mixing bowl. Whisk ingredients together until combined. Add the cubed bread and chopped apple. Let the bread soak for 15 minutes, making sure all of the bread absorbs the liquid mixture.

Pour the soaked bread into a nonstick 8-inch square baking dish. Bake for 45-50 minutes, or until bread pudding is set and no longer moves in the middle. Remove from oven and cool slightly. Serve warm and drizzle with honey if desired. Store any leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

*I used a baguette, but any crusty bread will do just fine.

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Nutritional Info
Servings Per Recipe: 5
Amount Per Serving:
Calories: 401.3
Total Fat: 5.7 g
Cholesterol: 74.4 mg
Sodium: 435.2 mg
Total Carbs: 80.4 g
Fiber: 6.5 g
Sugars: 42.7 g
Protein: 3.0 g

-Very easy to put together
-Minimal cleanup
-Delicious, clean eating dessert
-Simple list of ingredients
-Versatile-use your favorite kind of apple or other fresh or dried fruits

-High in carbs and sugar (but they are all natural!)



  1. 10 hours oh my goodness gracious! Do you think it was because of the sequester and the FAA cutbacks! Yikes!

    I really do stick to eating real foods most of the time, but if anybody tried to take my candy or froyo away...watch out I might attack :)
    In all seriousness though, one huge benefit: (almost) clear skin for the first time is 11 years! I'll take that any day!

    1. I was hoping to get on an earlier flight, so I got to the airport wayyyy before my scheduled departure. Unfortunately, they never called my name for an earlier flight. :-/ Good thing I had lots of Jolly Ranchers to keep my occupied! haha

      And that's awesome that your skin has cleared up as a result of eating better. It's amazing how much your body changes (I have a lot more energy and never need coffee anymore!) when you eat healthier foods.

  2. jolyl ranger binge: yes that's me! I say if I eat very healthy 80% of the time, the 20% can be little extras within reason. When I deprive myself, that's when I fall off the bandwagon! This looks so good, I love apple desserts! And bread pudding!

    1. Another similarity between us! I'm so with you on having to eat in moderation. And if you love apple and bread pudding, you've gotta try this!

  3. Good for you for eating healthier. I agree any change in the right direction is a positive change. I try to eat healthy, but my sweet tooth usually gets me every day. As long as it is just a small bite, I don't mind too much.

    1. Seeing all of your desserts Jocelyn make me want to give up on clean eating!! Your cake batter brownie cheesecakes are making me so hungry right now! Why can't sugar be good for us?!

  4. This sounds so delicious!! I don't "eat clean", but I still want to try this - a great healthy dessert alternative :)

    1. This is a great, healthier dessert to try! I'm only doing clean eating in moderation, but this is definitely a winning recipe!

  5. This looks and sounds amazing! I like that its "clean" but I hate that the apples/bread makes it high in carbs. But sometimes you need a little treat, and its better to have this than something loaded with white sugar!


    1. Couldn't have said it better myself, AJ! Sometimes you just gotta treat yourself; and this is a lot better than most other dessert recipes!

  6. Ooh, I’ll have to try this! I love fried chicken but with a toddler we have to watch what we serve at meals! Now I can have fried chicken again! Pickup Lines Google Gravity Tricks I love you quotes Good Night Quotes
