
XXL Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookie

Is there any better combination than chocolate and peanut butter? I certainly can't think of one. Mint and chocolate is a close second, and so is the fantastic trio of marshmallow fluff, graham crackers, and milk chocolate; but I honestly don't think I'd pick any of those over the devine chocolate/peanut butter duo. There is a reason that Reese Peanut Butter Cups are one of the top three most sold candies in America, according to NBC news. Everyone loves chocolate and peanut butter together; we might as well just consider it a fact.

Knowing that this popular pair is loved by many, I just had to make a XXL cookie with this beautiful flavor combo. Cue the drooling--this cookie is that good. (See, I couldn't even take many pictures without biting into this scrumptious treat!)

Not only does this cookie capture the perfect balance of creamy peanut butter and rich, decadent dark chocolate, but the cookie is as big around as your head. Lots of chocolate/peanut butter deliciousness to enjoy! This sweet treat is also super thick and chewy--exactly the way a cookie should be; no thin, crunchy cookie here.

As if this recipe couldn't get any better, this gigantic cookie is mixed and baked in under 30 minutes. Impatient like me? Not a problem. Just tell your taste buds to chill for half an hour, taste a bit of the cookie dough (or a large spoonful of it, I won't tell), slide the mound of cookie dough into the oven, set your timer for 15 minutes, remove the golden brown treat from the oven, and proceed to blow on the cookie to get it to cool off quickly all while pinching off small pieces to eat straight out of the oven (and likely burning your tongue). A burnt tongue is a small price to pay for you to enjoy this fantastic dessert. If you have more patience than me, wait for the cookie to cool for about 10-15 minutes before enjoying. A burnt tongue isn't worth it for all of us.

While you might wonder how in the world you will finish this ginormous cookie, once you take your first bite, you will start to wonder how to get ahold of your self control and not devour the monstrous treat in less than 5 minutes. The golden brown exterior and slightly under-cooked interior will tempt you to eat it all. Hopefully you have a little more self control than I do; your tongue and hips will thank you.

XXL Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookie (adapted from Sally's Baking Addiction)
(1 large cookie)

2 Tbsp unsalted butter, room temperature
2 Tbsp Jif creamy peanut butter*
2 Tbsp granulated sugar
2 Tbsp brown sugar
2 Tbsp egg substitute (or crack one egg, beat it, and use 2 Tbsp)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
pinch of  salt (about 1/8 teaspoon)
1/2 cup dark chocolate chunks

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray or line it with parchment paper. Set aside.

In a mixing bowl, add the butter, peanut butter, granulated sugar, and brown sugar. Stir ingredients together until well combined. Add the egg and the vanilla extract, and mix until all of the ingredients are incorporated. Add the flour, baking soda, and salt to the peanut butter mixture and slowly mix in the dry ingredients, careful not to over mix the dough. Fold in the chocolate chunks.

Scoop the entire mixture onto the prepared cookie sheet. Pile the cookie dough so that it is slightly taller in the middle (this makes the cookie extra thick and chewy). Put the cookie in a preheated oven and bake for 14-16 minutes, or until it is starting to turn golden brown. Remove the cookie from the oven and let cool for 10 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.

*Feel free to use your favorite kind of peanut butter. Just make sure to use a brand that does not require you to stir it in order to mix the oils and peanuts--this kind of peanut butter will be too thin for this particular recipe.

Print this recipe!

Nutritional Info
Servings Per Recipe: 1
Amount Per Serving:
Calories: 1194.0
Total Fat: 66.0 g
Cholesterol: 62.2 mg
Sodium: 395.4 mg
Total Carbs: 155.8 g
Fiber: 10.0 g
Sugars: 100.2 g
Protein: 19.6 g

-Simple list of ingredients
-Easy to make the cookie dough
-Cookie is mixed and baked in 30 minutes
-Only makes 1 large cookie so you don't have a ton of cookies sitting around
-Versatile-add nuts, white chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, or any other of your favorite mix-ins in place of the dark chocolate chunks
-Cookie keeps for up to 5 days in an airtight bag or container

-Entire cookie is very caloric and high in fat-grab a friend and share!



  1. This is my all-time favorite combination! :D These look so good!!

    1. Nothing beats peanut butter and chocolate! This cookie is so sinfully delicious. :)

  2. Love that we had the same PB chocolate cookie on the brain! This jumbo cookie looks awesome!

  3. Charlotte MooreFriday, May 17, 2013

    Mercy!!! Look at the calories, fat, and carbs. It looks good but not worth all the ingredients. Even a third or fourth would be bad.

    1. I know what you mean, Charlotte. Sometimes you just gotta splurge though. And trust me, this cookie is totally worth splurging for!

  4. OMG, I love this! I have no self control though - this sucker would be all for me! :)

    1. It's ok, I polished off the entire cookie myself too. Zero self control when chocolate and peanut butter are involved!

  5. you're killing me with this! it looks sooooo amazing, but the calories are stopping me. I'm glad you posted that info and this recipe though!


    1. I always like to include the nutritional information so that anyone who is interested or concerned has it available. There are a lot of calories/fat grams for the entire cookie, but I strongly believe in the everything in moderation concept. Just grab a few friends and enjoy a bite or two :)

  6. Hi Elaine! So glad you made my cookie recipe. The cals never stop me from enjoying it with Kevin over the period of a couple days. :) Love pb + chocolate together ;)

    1. The chocolate/peanut butter combo makes it hard to stop eating! It's always nice to have a friend/boyfriend to share it with. :)

  7. Another winner with this cookie! I made it last night. Easy and quick with little clean-up = near instant gratification! And don't worry about the calories--a nibble here, a nibble there over a couple days won't hurt anyone (wish I had some left for tonight, though)!

    1. I heard you just made this and how big of a hit it was! So glad to hear. :) I think this might top the triple chocolate XXL cookie, what do you think? And I 100% agree with your take on the calorie count. Everything in moderation!

  8. I loovvee peanut butter (I may or may not be eating some straight out of the jar as I write this :)), so adding it into cookies with chocolate is right up my alley. Making them extra big just puts it over the top!

    1. Eating peanut butter straight out of the jar is one of my favorite ways to enjoy it! But in a cookie with some chocolate chunks is a close second. :)
