
Skinny Spinach Artichoke Dip

Can y'all believe that 2012 is almost over? I feel like this year has flown by! I know people always say that, but honestly March feels like just yesterday. The days are long, but the years are short indeed.


Christmas Recap

Well hello! Long time no see/talk. I've missed y'all! I decided to take a break with writing posts to spend time with friends and family over the holiday season. But I think the break has been long enough, so let me give you a little recap of my low-key yet wonderful Christmas filled with amazing dishes.

{SKINNY Spinach Artichoke Dip}


Crock Pot BBQ Chicken

I've been counting down the days until I go back to North Carolina for the holidays just about as soon as I returned to D.C. after Thanksgiving. There is something about being in NC with family that gives me a sense of comfort and pure happiness that no other place on earth has or can give me. And there is no denying that the southern hospitality and food have something to do with the happiness I experience.


Mint Brownie Bites

I've been putting off writing this post because I can't quite figure out how to start it or what to say. With such tragic events happening last week, I'm at a loss for words to say and thoughts to think, especially when it comes to blogging about food. When we as a nation experience such a loss, it really puts things in perspective. While this blog is a huge passion of mine, it only seemed appropriate to take a break for a few days and focus on other more important matters in my life.


Ham and Sauteed Apples

There is something about the combination of ham and apples that makes my mouth water. Ever since I was a kid, I've always loved ham paired with sweet  fruits and sauces. In particular, I had to order this ham dish served with raisin sauce at this restaurant that my family would go to. I would practically beg my parents to go there on a weekly basis just so I could get my ham and sweet raisin sauce fix.


Gingerbread Scotchies

Ready for another Christmas cookie recipe?? Good, because you got one coming to ya!


Blueberry Orange Muffins

I'm a huge snacker. I'd like to say that it's because I'm healthy and listen to the advice of nutritionists who say it's better to eat throughout the day and to have lots of snacks instead of actual meals, but in reality I just like to eat. And so does my body. If I don't get food every three to four hours, I get hangry (hungry and very angry). So, for everyone's sake, I always have food on me and snack a lot.


Cookie Dough Fudge

One of the best things about baking cookies is the cookie dough. Anyone who bakes cookies regularly and denies licking the spatula or beaters is highly suspicious. It takes a very strong person to resist the sweet and scrumptious batter. And to be totally honest, I've been known to make cookie dough (or buy pre-made cookie dough...hello college) and eat all.of.it. This is a little embarrassing to admit, but the first step in fixing a serious sweet tooth problem is recognizing it, right?


Mint Chocolate Pudding Cookies

HAPPY NATIONAL COOKIE DAY! How many of you knew today was National Cookie Day? To be perfectly honest, I had no clue until a few days ago. And I'm betting once most of you read this post it will no longer be National Cookie Day. Kind of a bummer. However, because I'm posting this a little late (I do apologize...my life has been nuts lately), I figure we can continue the celebration into tomorrow/today/December 5th. It's kind of like getting a belated birthday card or late Christmas present-it makes you feel entitled to celebrate longer than usual. Let's use my belated posting as an excuse to celebrate National Cookie Day a wee bit longer!


Homemade Chicken Pot Pie

With the seasons and weather changing, I often find myself craving the utmost comfort foods around this time of year. With the days growing shorter by the minute and with it getting dark before I even leave work, some nights all I really want to do is curl up in a comfy sweatshirt and sweatpants, eat the most comforting meal (in this dream world, my meals would already be magically made), and watch a movie or my favorite shows all night without worrying about school, work, my to-do list, or any responsibilities. In short, these cold, dark nights make me downright lazy. Does anyone else feel this way?


Easy Beer Bread

Nothing beats homemade bread. The smells that fill your kitchen as the bread is baking all the way down to cutting your first slice and eating a piece of warm, chewy, freshly baked bread- it's something special, that's for sure. But homemade bread can be a task and a half. Most breads call for yeast, which usually means that the recipe will be an all day process. Rising, kneading, rising some more, and baking. While the end results make this process totally worth it, most of us don't have an afternoon to dedicate to making a loaf of bread.