

Pumpkin Breakfast Cookies

I think I'm just as seasonally confused as mother nature seems to be. I swear the calendar says it is spring, but there was still snow on the ground a few days ago. And regardless that it is officially spring, I'm in a fall state of mind. Go figure. I think I'll blame mother nature for this one.


Skinny Cake Batter Dip

With spring right around the corner, I can hardly wait for all of the fresh produce that will soon be available. I'm not a fan of winter for a lot of reasons, but the lack of fresh fruits and vegetables is at the top of my list. For someone who could eat berries all day, every day, having to settle for frozen and/or imported berries just doesn't cut it. Bring on spring and all of your delicious fruit.


Banana Upside-down Cake

Look at those caramel covered bananas. I can't even begin to describe how scrumptious this cake smells, let alone tastes. But before I get into this amazing and easy recipe, let me ask you something: have you had a chance to visit my other blog, Reading and Recipes? I'm actually a co-blogger with my dad (Hi, Dad!). As the "Welcome" page explains, we are both very passionate people who have fun doing projects together. This is our first formal project in which we each take our special talents and put them together--he enjoys writing and loves sharing his work even more, while I enjoy baking and sharing delicious recipes with you. If you have a free second, swing by and pay our blog a visit.

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